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R&S®UMS300 Compact Monitoring and Radiolocation System
Категория - Радио оборудование
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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High performance for signal monitoring and AOA/TDOA locationKey Facts
- Complete monitoring and radiolocation system in a compact weatherproof housing
- ITU-compliant monitoring
- Emitter location based on standard direction finding (AoA), TDOA and hybrid direction finding (combination of AoA and TDOA)
- Wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz
- Open interfaces
Brief Description The R&S®UMS300 is the first system to combine ITU-compliant monitoring, direction finding with conventional angle of arrival (AoA) and emitter location based on measuring the time difference of arrival (TDOA) in a compact outdoor solution.
Features & Benefits
- High-performance monitoring and DF receiver from Rohde & Schwarz
- Wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz (direction finding from 300 kHz to 6 GHz)
- Fast scan with up to 12 GHz/s across entire frequency range
- IF spectrum and demodulation up to 20 MHz
- Multichannel DDC signal extraction within realtime bandwidth
- Integrated GPS with high-accuracy timestamp for TDOA applications
- Fast, reliable direction finding due to high DF accuracy
- In line with all applicable ITU requirements and recommendations
- AoA location Extension for conventional direction finding (optional)
- Reliable DF results even in difficult environments (e.g. urban areas with up to 50 % reflection)
- Use of DF antennas with horizontal and/or vertical polarization
- Use of DF antennas with active/passive switchover, optimum solution for any signal scenario
- TDOA location
- Use for emitter location within a TDOA network
- Automated recording of I/Q data with high-accuracy timestamp
- Use of R&S®UMS300 in any combination with other TDOA capable devices and systems from Rohde & Schwarz thanks to the company's unique technology
- Hybrid AoA/TDOA location
- Combined benefits of AoA and TDOA
- Flexible choice of suitable method for given application
- Use of same hardware for both methods
- Practically simultaneous use of DF and TDOA capabilities
- Easy site selection due to minimal infrastructure requirements
- Installation on mast close to antennas, no additional building structure required
- Remote control via LAN and mobile radio networks
- Flexible power supply (AC and DC)
- Compact design
- Use for wide range of monitoring tasks
- Spectrum monitoring with optional R&S®ARGUS 6.1 software
- Radiomonitoring with optional R&S®RAMON software
- Customized applications based on open interfaces and special software solutions
- Disclaimer The R&S®ARGUS 6.1 TDOA option is not to be made, used, sold or offered for sale in the USA or imported into the USA.
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